Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Nyoka! Nyoka!

“Nyoka, Nyoka,” the deadly words split the evening air like knives, as the bearer of the news ran helter-skelter up the path he had just peacefully gone down minutes before.

All was astir around the once calm compound, as the inhabitants grabbed for pangas (the African machete) and dashed down the hill after Emmanuel.

The air rushed through my hair and my skirt must have looked like a billowing torrent as I ran. And then suddenly there it was, the place of keen anticipation, it looked dead alright, and big, maybe about 6ft long.

Simba, our dog danced excitedly around my feet and barked with great delight each time the snake was poked. We wanted to watch the progress of the dyeing nerves. But then we realized something was not right.

Like a flash Collince our African helper, stooped and picked up a large stone. Quickly, and with much force, the stone landed squarely on the head of the black mamba, crushing the very life out of the ugly deceiver.

Just like that black mamba, we each have sin in our lives. And too many times we leave just a hint still alive, and play with it. But just like Collince, we must take hold of the rock on which we are builded, and claim the help of Jesus Christ who is mighty to save, to crush out the life of our pet sins, that will no doubt come back to bite us with their deadly venom and keep us from eternal life.